Facials for Children
Little Sunflower Facial - £15
Specially crafted for young, sensitive skin, this gentle and nourishing facial treatment is designed to pamper and protect. Formulated with mild, kid-friendly ingredients. Suitable for children 10 years and younger.
Mini Diva Facial - £18
The facial is aimed at children from 8-13 years.
This is a gentle facial to introduce our younger clients to look after their skin. We use professional, child friendly, paraben free products. During the session our little client can choose a finishing mask from a wide selection!
Teen Acne Facial - £25
Being a teenager can be difficult due to a few more skin problems than adults. So, we have specialised a teenage facial that includes several steps to tackle acne skin. We use fragrance and paraben free cosmetics. The treatment is suitable for teenagers from 13-19 years of age.